Tayonna Thomas Portfolio
Places to Find Me:
DeviantART - Dystopian-Resonance
Lioden - Faded_Empire
FlightRising - WynterBourne
Hello, my name is Tayonna Thomas but my friends and acquaintances usually call me Tay. I’ve been interested in art since I was in fourth grade and it’s always been my dream to become a digital artist. I hope you enjoy this portfolio. It is full of my assignments from my Digital Drawing and Photoshop classes. If you are interested in seeing some of my personal art and characters you can take a peek at my personal art gallery.
My love for art comes from a book series known as 'Warriors' written by Erin Hunter. Before I read the series, I went online to see if the series was worth the read. When I did I discovered a whole fandom filled with beautiful art and animations. It fascinated me so much I decided to give drawing a try and I haven't stopped since. Before then I can almost say I didn't have any 'worth'. In fact sometimes I thought I considered myself a lost cause, but when I started drawing, it helped me find apart of myself I never knew was there. Drawing saved my life.
Today, my inspiration comes mainly from looking at the artwork from other artist, reading books, and listening to music. Other times it can come from being out in nature or looking at architecture. I mostly enjoy drawing animals and mythological creatures. When I am not drawing animals I usually enjoy designing interfaces and pages.
A few other of my hobbies aside from drawing are, reading and playing online virtual pet games such as Flight Rising.
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