Tayonna Thomas Portfolio

Donald Trump

Lin Miranda Manuel.

Random person I found by googling random celebrities.
For this assignment we were asked to take and image of three different people and create another person using feature from the images provided. It was a relatively quick process with a very neat result. The process involves selecting a certain part from an image such was a person’s nose or eyes. Then we pasted it onto our base image. Adjusted the skin tones as necessary to match the base and then used the eraser tool (with adjusted settings) to blend parts into the based to make it appear realistic. At first I doubted the idea of this looking the least bit decent but then found that the result is actually pretty successful and pleasing. Here is a list of the parts I combined for the final results.
Blended person 1:
Base: Person 2
Person 1’s nose
Person 3’s mouth
Blended person 2:
Base: Person 1
Person 3’s eyes
Person 2’s mouth
Blended person 3:
Base: Person 3
Person 2’s eyes
Person 1’s eyebrows
For this assignment we were asked to use some tools we had previously learned about to create a zombie, alien, and put a black eye on a person.
The first step I took was when I used the sponge brush to desaturate the parts I wanted, I did not like the look of a completely desaturated person so I left a slight amount of color in the skin. I also took a bit of color out of the lips because they appeared too bright. After desaturating the parts I wanted I used a brush in the shape of a crack to make the skin appear dry or scarred.
Black eye:
The result was not exactly what I wished for but I believe it does it’s job. To make the black eye I used the burn tool and the layers modes (mainly color burn and multiply) to find the exact colors I wanted. I also used a textured brush along the bridge of the nose to make the skin appear a tad scabbed.
For this image the first thing I did was use the clone tool to copy the eyes and mouth to make him appear like an alien. Afterwards I used the smudge tool to alter the forehead, corners of his mouth, eyebrows and cheeks. Then I used the liquify filter to for dips in his skin to make him look even more strange. Finally I used a textured brush to make his skin too more red, dry and a bit bumpy.
Face Blending
Zombie/Black Eye/Alien