Tayonna Thomas Portfolio
I did not have much difficulty with the practice portion of the project. It was mainly just pasting images and editing text and fonts. However it was interesting to see how many more options there were to editing text such as being able to place in a simple document and being able to continue the next portion of a text box without having to cut and paste it. As well as expanding spaces between text or putting something in between words (for example the dotted-lines between the list of events and dates) It was also interesting to see how folding and math come into play when you're designing something like this.The amount of thought that goes into creating something with multiple sides. Other than that I don’t have too much to say about it.
Project 5 Practice

For our Performance project we were asked to make a brochure. The brochure could be of anything so I made one about cat health. I’m pretty sure by now anyone can tell I’m a cat person. Another reason I chose them because they are animals and common household pets and people love them. I can’t tell how many people I know who have picked up a book just because there was a cat or a dog on the front cover. But instead of doing something more simplistic I went with a more informative type of brochure. My brochure would best fit at a
vet’s office, hospital, adoption center or pet rescue center. It is meant to give you information and tips on keeping your feline friend, happy, safe, and healthy.
I had some difficulty figuring out which panel would go where. The brochure was meant to be in book form. I also had to make sure all images were in the proper place so when I would print it out the next image would show up properly on the back. Another Issue I encountered was finding images with good quality to fit in the area I wanted it to.