Tayonna Thomas Portfolio

I’m mostly pleased with the end result on this one, I like how uses vibrant color without really hurting your eyes. I don’t have too much to share about this one. I overall enjoyed making it. I found it amazing that you can make custom art or patterns and apply them to a brush. It really opens up your mind, there are really endless possibilities when it comes to illustrator. I also had fun with the symbol sprayer tool, it definitely surpasses copy and pasting in efficiency. My most difficulty in this project was making sure the lines/roads were accurate. Otherwise I didn’t find this too tedious. I originally resented this project from the get-go, but I was proven wrong. I really liked this project.
Project 4 Practice
This project is probably the assignment I’m most proud of. Our goal was to take a real life stretch of land and make it into a map in illustrator where we decorate the park with symbols and icons like you’d see on a real park map. The most challenging part of the project was probably starting off. We were given so many requirements it seemed overwhelming at first. It was difficult to chose what to work on first. Aside from that I had the most trouble with the roads. (mainly the major ones) I’d finish fixing any details on them but then I would forget to lock the layer and accidentally move something out of place, which seemed to happen a number of times. Finally I gave up and decided to make them all one color.
As part of the project we were asked to make our own symbols. I won’t name them all but some of the ones I liked the results of were the soccer, baseball, and softball fields, the trees and the horse track I used a custom pattern brush to make. Due to being stressed about the overall grade I decided to trace a picture of a deer and add it in as an extra part of the project. This was probably the most stressful project I’ve done so far but I’m super proud of how it turned out.