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Blog: Virtual Pet Sims

This page contains a blog for English Composition B. 

About Me:

My name is Tayonna, I am currently a senior in high school. My favorite past times consist of drawing, reading, and following pet sim communities on Tumblr. I’ve been playing virtual pet sims since 2015. The first sim I ever played was Flight Rising and I have loved it since.


I enjoy pet sims because they are a good way to pass the time if you just want something to do. They don’t necessarily require a lot of time to play and all include their own form of creativity. Pet sim communities tend to be very close-knit so they tend to be friendly environments.For this blog, I will be posting about the games, Flight Rising, Lioden, and Chicken Smoothie.

What is Eliyo? Eliyo Kickstarter Launch


A new addition to the virtual pet sim video game genre has been a recent point of interest for virtual pet fans. Eliyo is a browser based virtual pet game that has has been in development since 2013, starting a public beta in 2016. The game has been worked on by two people, Aaron and Brittney Moon who say they are very passionate about the game’s development and hope for it to be successful. The two website owners have recently launched a kickstarter to raise funds to assist the game's development. This post will cover what a great game Eliyo has been so far, and why you should back the Kickstarter.

Eliyo is very RPG inspired and takes inspiration from games such as Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, and NeoPets while consisting of similar attributes to existing virtual pet games such as Tattered Weave and Dappervolk. The game features virtual pet animals

such as felis, canis, and vulpes-like animals, which in this game are called “elons.” You might say only three species of elon is too few content for a game that's been worked on for several years, however quality is always better than quantity and Eliyo definitely shows that. The developers say they plan to add additional species of elon in the future. Each species of elon has about six different poses which reflect the elon's mood. It's quite a minuscule touch to the game, but it makes it so much more engaging and immersive for the player.

You can obtain elons by battling and capturing them in the wild, which is a feature developers Aaron and Brittany are very proud of. The battling portion of Eliyo is very Pokemon-like where elons possess the desire to fight. Elons can fight each other in the arena and can learn new attacks and level up as they get stronger. Each elon belongs to a specific element such as fire, electric, or water.

Not only can you battle with your elons, but you can also breed them. Elons also have

genetics which means that Eliyo is also a virtual pet breeding simulator which allows you to mix and match different markings and colors on your pet. “Breeding is really fun because you never know what you’re going to get,” says an enthusiastic Brittany in a kickstarter video, “With so much variance in color, markings, and even parts between each elon. And yet you can still look back and see the influences of the parents.”

Eliyo is said to be dedicated to the casual player who only plays the game for short periods of time, making Eliyo a convenient game to play in your free time as opposed to the more demanding virtual pet games such as Lioden which requires more attention. Eliyo is fit for virtual pet game players who have a more busy lifestyle. The current community of players on Eliyo is very intimate and small. If you like a role-playing community I would recommend giving this game a try.

“While we have the foundation for a great game, the world is not complete,” says developer Brittany, “But with your support Eliyo can be so much more.” Eliyo has recently raised a little over $900 out of their $14000 goal. If you are a passionate player of virtual pet games and RPGs, then Eliyo might just win your heart. Also, if you decide to back the kickstarter, you will receive exclusive in-game items for your Eliyo account. The rewards are listen below:

  • Pledge $25: Dragon Mascot Tier - Exclusive dragon mascot pet - Element changer - Kickstarter plushie

  • Pledge $50: Dragon Custom Tier - Custom dragon pet - Dragon mascot tier + great Yokio herb and Preat

  • Pledge $70: Dragon Tamer - Early Bird Tier - x2 Dragon pet customs - Exclusive avatar outfit - Lavinth Blueprint Scroll

Eliyo is looking like a unique and fun addition to the virtual pet game genre. As a fan of such games, Eliyo has peaked my interest and I hope it’s able to meet its funding goal and become a successful project. Click here to be directed to the Kickstarter page.

Find out more about Eliyo in HoodieTalk's Video below:



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